Reconnect With Old Friends From The Service

In life, there are countless friends that we make that for some odd reason we end up falling out of touch with. For some, it is a friend that they made on a vacation overseas. Others, however, might be looking for a long-lost childhood friend.

Falling out of touch with friends is a natural part of life. As an active duty member of the military, you spend all of your time either stateside or abroad. Over time, your bond with your comrades becomes most unique. That said, when many veterans return home, they forget to stay in touch with their fellow service members, (their buddies), as they try to readjust to civilian life. But don’t fret, there is a way to reconnect with other service members and veterans like yourself.

At Person-I-Find, we have developed a comprehensive search tool that can help you find and reconnect with your buddies from the service. Allowing you to search for people, identify contacts, locate forwarding addresses, and more. If you have been looking for an old friend, a buddy from the service, we suggest that you use our cutting-edge search tools today.

How To Find Old Friends From The Service

There are a number of ways that you can locate old friends from the service. You can ask mutual friends, contact government organizations, search local veterans directories, and more. But what tool gives you your best chance of finding and reconnecting with an old pal?

Contacting Mutual Friends

One of the best ways to find a friend from the service is to contact mutual friends that you served with. That said, if you are having trouble connecting with other veterans, it is more than likely that they may have lost touch with the mutual friends that you served with as well.

Government Organizations

One of the best ways that you can find and reconnect with a fellow service member is to reach out to a government organization associated with your branch of the military. Oftentimes, these organizations keep records of individuals once they have retired from the services. While government organizations are a great starting point when searching for a long-lost buddy — it is not a solution. Government organizations will not provide contact information for any active service member or veteran unless it is for official business. So good luck getting any information from them.

Local Veteran’s Directories

Local veteran’s directories are arguably the best place to find contact information for fellow veterans. That said, if you have lost contact with a fellow veteran, there is a chance that you might not know where they live — making finding their local veteran’s directory impossible.

Reconnect Today Using Person-I-Find

There are no shortage of tools out there that are designed to help veterans reconnect and find each other after they have lost touch. That said, most of the tools are not specific enough or are not permitted to share personal information with you. That’s where we come in.

With Person-I-Find, you can search for people, identify a contact, and locate forwarding addresses of friends from the military that you have lost touch with. At Person-I-Find, our reports are 90% accurate and have ZERO hidden fees. So if you are looking to reconnect with a fellow veteran, there is no time like the present. Begin your people search today with Person-I-Find. Best of luck with your search!